
Defend the Basement

A Hero Defense by Svenski [Ben Kowalewski]

Created using the Warcraft III World Editor as a scripted custom game for the Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Game Client by Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

Lead Project Development (Triggers, Terrain, Systems, Concepts) – Svenski
Concept Design Assistance – Splendid [Jon], Xndr [Alex Bianchi]
Development Testing and Feedback – Svenski, Splendid, Xndr, Elbob [Patrick], Khaos [Matt]
Website Design and Construction – Xndr, Svenski

Custom Icons

Custom Icon Artwork from Warcraft III and World of Warcraft – created by Blizzard Entertainment Inc., modified by Svenski
Other Custom Icon Artwork – Lioness, CRAZYRUSSIAN, GooS, KelThuzad, 4eNNightmare, Volvox, Darkfang, kola, and Svenski
All Icons Downloaded from The Hive Workshop’s Icon Section

Custom Models

(Model Name) – (Contributor)
Blood Elven Arcane Huntress – debode
Wild Growth – Champara Bros
Green Fireworks, Ground Explosion – WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Holy Hand Grenade – Lord-T-Rex
Lightning – Tranquil
Holy Explosion – sPy
Ghost Shell – Skizzik
Warp Dark, Warp Holy – Thrikodius
Dark Nova – JetFangInferno
Revan – Nasrudin
Droid – olofmoleman
TIE Fighter – Tim
Mortis – Gottfrei
Death Star, Lasers – Illidan(Evil)X
Unicorn – larchrono
Vortex – Daelin
Bowser and Bowser’s Shell Icon – Dan van Ohllus
Crystal Infernal – Dark Hunter1357
Nuclear Explosion – anarchianbedlam
Poison Explosion – Red Baron
Pulse Buff – Epsilon
Cute Rainbow Missile – Titania
Blue and Green Fungus – Callahan
Faerie Dust Buff – Dubey
Earth (High) Attachment – Pyritie
Earth Shock – shamanyouranus
All Models Downloaded from The Hive Workshop’s Model Section

Custom Systems

GUI Friendly Damage Detection System – Weep
Modified Camera System – The_Flood
All other in game systems developed by Svenski


JassCraft – Zoxc
Button Manager – Shadow Daemon
BLP Lab – Shadow Daemon
Warcraft III Viewer – The Prophet
MPQ Master – Soar Chin
Map Optimizer – Vexorian
War3 Model Editor – Magos
W3 Colorpicker – Christopher Hauck

Special thanks to Jon for making Lilly, Gaffer, and being especially helpful and supportive.
Special thanks to Alex, for helping me significantly with setting up the website.
Also thanks to Hiln, the guy who stayed up until the very end.
Thanks to the in general for being an amazing source of knowledge for learning how to make this game!

If there is a resource found in this game that you have contributed to and you are not credited here appropriately, please contact the author to establish proper credit where it is due!


Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~Albert Einstein

Thanks for the support!